Having a Little Information Might Save You in an Emergency Situation Every year you read about someone lost in the outback without the knowledge to rescue themselves or live through the experience. In many cases these unfortunate people don’t have the proper gear, but sometimes they do have the right gear to help them out of their emergency situation. So what don’t they have? The survival knowledge that they need. Either they forgot it in the crisis situation, or they never knew it. Regardless of how carefully gear is chosen it’s of no use if you don’t know what to do with it. ![]() Because it’s hard to remember everything that you might need to know, having the critical information written down can be extremely helpful. But books are heavy and apps on electronic devices can become inaccessible if your battery dies. Consequently, one set of “cheat sheets” that we have found helpful are Ultimate Survival Technologies (UST’s) “Learn & Live” cards. These laminated cards measure 3.5” x 2.25” inches, weigh less than an ounce and cover a variety of topics. The 5 sets that we have are: Knots, Clouds, Star Gazing, Way Finding and Paracord. You can read more detailed descriptions of the Survival Cards on the Hiking/Emergency Supplies page.
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