The internet is a great source of information about these activities (and short duration Disaster Preparedness), and we use internet sites all the time, but.....................
There is often too much information and not enough time to sort through it all
Much of this information is very detailed about specific gear – but the higher-level information is not there
Just piecemeal bits of information about this and that
No information about the big-picture needs
Lots of side-by-side product comparisons
Often without any context of how it all fits together
And many times, when you finally find the specific gear that you like, it's difficult to actually find the gear to buy it
There is either no link to a site that sells the gear, the link to the gear no longer works, or the specific gear is no longer available
Sorting out what information, gear and apps you need - and where you can get it - can take way too much time
We know how frustrating and time consuming locating the right Hiking, Camping and Shooting gear can be.
We've been there and done that!
What's in it for you?
To help solve these problems our site is dedicated to assisting you by:
Sharing our general knowledge about Hiking, Camping and Shooting - and the types of gear you need
Including information about short duration Disaster Preparedness- located on our Camping page
Giving you information and evaluations about the specific gear that we like, and use, in brief write-ups and pictures
Our site has a photo of each specific piece of gear and a short write-up describing it and why we like it
Saving you time searching for the right gear
Our site provides you with the direct links to the gear we like and use
Saving you money by directing you straight to the specific gear on Amazon and other sites
Although we purchased our gear through Amazon and other sources, over time we found that if Amazon has the item their price is always competitive - and the time saved having the gear shipped directly to you is worth using Amazon whenever possible
If you choose to purchase a specific piece of gear from Amazon we would greatly appreciate it if you initiated your purchase on our site since it costs you nothing and helps us pay the bills associated with this site
We're here to help you figure out what gear you need - and to show you the gear we selected for our situation.
General overviews of the types of gear you need to actively participate in Hiking, Camping and Shooting
We also have a sub category related to Disaster Preparedness since there’s a great deal of overlap regarding the gear needed for Camping and successfully making it through a short duration disaster
Evaluation criteria that we considered when selecting specific gear
Links to specific gear selections that work for us and our specific situation - with our rationale for selecting them
Not necessarily the absolute “best” gear – but the integrated set of gear that makes up of the “best gear for us” and our situation
Rather than always choosing the "best of breed", in many cases we've selected gear from the same manufacturer to enhance commonality between items and to reduce confusion on how to operate the gear in the field
Links to useful apps
Links to other helpful information sources
Note:We routinely test all of the links to products, articles and other websites that are mentioned on our HCS website - but try as we might, there always seem to be broken links here and there. Products are discontinued, companies shut down, and websites disappear without notice. So, if you run across a broken hyperlink drop us a note from our Contact Page so that we can fix it.
What's not on our Site?
Detailed side-by-side comparisons of products
Our site does have direct links to many of the sites that specialize in detailed gear reviews in case you want to see the side-by-side comparisons
Discussion of the clothes you need for Hiking, Camping and Shooting since they vary too much by local environment
Obviously having the proper clothes is a critical component of Hiking, Camping and Shooting
But most people have lots of experience in this area and consequently have very specific points of view
Topics and items not specifically related to Hiking, Camping or Shooting (or short duration Disaster Preparedness)