The Essential Gear and Knowledge That You Need to Prepare for Mishaps in the OutbackAs we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, one of the main reasons that we started our HCS website back in 2016 was to share the knowledge that we had acquired during our many years of Hiking, Camping and Shooting. So we’re always gratified when someone reaches out to us to say that they found our gear evaluation criteria, product information, blogs, adventure photos, "Useful Apps", and "Other Helpful Information Sources" links to be helpful. In that vein, this week, Marc and his son Tyler (who is in the process of earning his Boy Scout Wilderness Survival Merit Badge) dropped us a note to say that they found our site to be helpful. And, as with many contacts that we receive, Tyler wanted to “pay it forward” by letting us know about another great online resource that he had found; an article from Advantis Medical on “First Aid and Outdoor Recreation”. Since we’re always looking for additional information, we checked out the article. The article starts out with 9 paragraphs discussing a few of the most significant First Aid risks that you can face when hiking - at a high level:
But the real payoff of the article is the fact that it has links to 14 other webpages that cover a wide variety of wilderness First Aid topics from a broad set of viewpoints. So it’s a great starting point to jump off from.
For us the topic of First Aid is so important that we have different gear for Hiking and Camping and Disaster Preparedness – since because Camping normally includes getting further from civilization, staying overnight and making meals outdoors, the level of activities and risk increases, and in Disasters there are more extenuating circumstances that require additional supplies. So, if you’re interested in relooking your First Aid gear and knowledge before you head out into the wilderness again you should take a look at some of this material. I know that with these resources Tyler won’t have any problem obtaining his Boy Scout Wilderness Survival Merit Badge.
21 Days Touring the British IslesWe recently made it home from a 21-day trip to the British Isles. During our trip we drove 2,476 miles on the "wrong side of the road" (at least for Americans) and on small and smaller roads most of the time. It was a great trip – even if the driving and parking was a little challenging in some places……. In addition to the all the driving, we also walked more than 243,000 steps (which translates to over 115 miles) – through all types of both country and urban terrain. Here's a map of what our overall trip looked like. During our 7 days traveling in Ireland and Northern Ireland we drove almost 750 miles and visited the following major sites:
During our 14 days traveling in Scotland, Wales and England we drove almost 1,750 miles and visited the following major sites:
As always, we took thousands of photos – so we’ll be editing and posting them over the next few weeks as time allows.
The 10 Items That the “Alone” Competitors Took into the Field to Keep Themselves Alive |
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August 2023
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