The Gear That You Must Have in the Outback……probably Pretty much everybody in the Hiking, Camping and Shooting community knows about the main tenants of: “The Rule of 3”, “Leave No Trace” and the “4 Rules for Handling Firearms” (and we’ve written blog posts on all of them), but there’s one other tenant that we haven’t talked about - because it’s a little less agreed on; “The 10 Essentials” from The Mountaineers. Since they say it best – here’s a passage directly from the Mountaineers website about this topic; “What Are the Ten Essentials?” “The Mountaineers Ten Essentials™ dates back to our climbing courses of the 1930s. This widely respected safety and packing system was formalized in the third edition of Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, released in 1974. Each of the nine editions of Freedom, as it is affectionately known, was written entirely by volunteers and reflects the collective wisdom of hundreds of outdoor skills instructors. The list has always sought to answer two basic questions: Can you prevent emergencies and respond positively should one occur? Can you safely spend a night (or more) outside? The Mountaineers Ten Essentials was formalized in 1974 when the iconic list debuted in the third edition of “Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills.” The ninth edition of “Freedom” presented a thorough modernization to prepare today's mountaineers for adventures. Learn more about what to bring on your next trip and a limerick to help you remember all ten. Certain equipment deserves space in every pack. Mountaineers will not need every item on every trip, but essential equipment can be a lifesaver in an emergency. Exactly how much equipment “insurance” should be carried is a matter of healthy debate. Most members of The Mountaineers take along carefully selected items to survive the unexpected. Whatever your approach to equipment, a checklist will help you remember what to bring in the rush to get ready for a trip. But remember that The Ten Essentials is a guide that should be tailored to the nature of the outing. Weather, remoteness from help, and complexity should be factored into the selected essentials. The first seven essentials tend to be compact and vary little from trip to trip, and can be grouped together to facilitate packing. Add the needed digital and physical maps, the proper extra food, water, and clothes, and you’re ready to go. This brief list is intended to be easy to remember and serve as a mental pre-trip checklist.” The most recent “10 Essentials” list espoused by the Mountaineers includes the following gear:
The Mountaineers even have a limerick to help remind you what the 10 Essentials are: The Mountaineers Ten Essentials Limerick By Steve McClure To navigate, head for the sun With first aid and knife on the run Bring fire and shelter Extra food is a helper But water and clothes weigh a ton The Mountaineer’s website has a 10-page article that discusses each of the 10 Essentials in detail – so we won’t go into them in this blog. If you want to read the Mountaineers’ article you can find it here: What Are the Ten Essentials? If you want to watch a short video covering the 10 Essentials you can find that here: Ask a Ranger: 10 Essentials Personally we always wear hiking boots and carry a day pack with some type of headgear, navigation aids, hydration, food, raingear, a First Aid kit and emergency supplies. You can see all the details on our Hiking page and its subpages. So what’s the controversy? Well, as with most things in the Outdoor community lots of people have different opinions as to what is essential – and as technology improves other items grow in prominence. For example, there’s a good article from Backpacker that discusses this topic in detail. In the article Dr. Nicholas Daniel, the associate director of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Wilderness and Austere Medicine Fellowship (located in Lebanon, New Hampshire) wondered whether there was any data to back up the Mountaineers gear list: “You hear it over and over again: ‘Were you prepared? Did you carry the Ten Essentials?’” Daniel says. “I thought that was a very interesting concept. As someone who practices wilderness medicine, has a scientific background, and spends a lot of time outdoors, the intersection between the recommendations and facts seemed important to me. Even though the 10 Essentials list has been around for over 90 years, no study had ever been done to analyze this gear’s impact on a hikers’ adventures. So Dr. Daniel and his colleagues set out to determine if the 10 Essentials items improved hiking outcomes and which items were most critical to a hiker’s safety. To collect the relevant data the team interviewed 961 day hikers at Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire (a rocky hike that we have done several times) asking them what gear they carried on their hike, what adverse events they experienced (1,686 were reported) and how satisfied they were with their hikes. The study’s main conclusion was that “Carrying more items did not translate into improved satisfaction for day hikers, but was associated with fewer events for which the hiker was unprepared.” Based on their observations, Dr. Daniel’s team suggested that it may be possible to cover the majority of adverse events with for day hikes with 4 of the 10 Essentials: water, food, extra clothing, and a medical kit. However, since day hikes - similar to climbing the reasonably well marked shady trails of Mount Monadnock - may be less dangerous than multi-day trips, the researchers also recognized that the other 6 Essentials (navigation, headlamp, sun protection, knife, fire, and shelter) may be needed more often on longer hikes when more adverse events may occur. Dr. Daniel also opined that there’s one more essential item he recommends hikers always carry, something that the original 1930’s Mountaineers list, and even the 1974 list could not have included – a cell phone. You can read the entire Backpacker article here: How “Essential” Are the Ten Essentials? A New Study Finds Some Help More Often Than Others Dr. Daniel’s research team published a detailed paper detailing their efforts in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. You can read it here: Rethinking hiker preparedness: Association of carrying “10 essentials” with adverse events and satisfaction among day-hikers In addition, if you search the web you’ll find that almost every organization has their take on the 10 Essentials – with many of them adding their thoughts, additional information, essential item #11’s (such as insect repellent, a trash bag, etc.,) and alternative lists (to include lists of the 10 Essentials for hiking with dogs). We think that most of the discussion is valuable since being prepared with the right gear is always a good thing. Here are a few links to some other credible sources:
National Park Service: Ten Essentials American hiking Society: The Ten Essentials of Hiking - Ten Things You Should Bring on Every Hike The Sierra Club: Ten Essentials The Boy Scouts of America: The Scout 10 essentials: Items every Scout needs in the outdoors The Boy Scouts of America: The Ten Essentials for Outdoor Activities The Boy Scouts of America: Scout 10 Essentials: REI: The Ten Essentials The 10 Hiking Essentials You Need to Safely Hit the Trail The Ten Essentials for Hiking 10 Essentials for Hiking with Dogs
Last Year We Continued to Grow – Again…. Like most websites, ever since we launched our Hiking, Camping and Shooting (HCS) website back in 2016 we’ve tracked the statistics to see who our readers are, where they’re located and what they read. Since 2022 recently finished we thought that we would share some of our latest statistics from the year with all of you. In 2022 our readership increased by 29% and came from 155 different Countries from around the world. This year we had another significant increase of readers coming from countries outside of the US – up 16% - but 61% or our readers still came from within the United States. The largest concentrations outside the US were from the following 20 Countries:
We have readers from all 50 of the United States - with the largest concentrations being in the following 20 States:
The 35 pages and blog posts that people read the most during 2022 were: In 2022 we saw a marked increase in the number of readers of our “Adventures” pages - where we show photographs of our travels around the world; probably because after all the craziness of the past two years people were ready to get outside and see the world in all its beauty again. Since we now have almost 40% of our readers from around the globe there is constant activity on the site during the day – with no single time span really seeing significantly more readers than any other time. Most of our readers find us either by searching on Google (58%) or by previously having been to our website and coming directly to us - which increased from 13% to 29% this year due to the fact that our number of “returning readers” continues to increase. A much smaller percentage (12%) find us through other sources to include our Hiking, Camping and Shooting Facebook page. The majority of our users view our website from either their mobile device (50%) or their desktop computer (47%) using either Chrome (58%) or Safari (30%) browsers. Since we launched our website back in April 2016 we've had people from 171 different countries stop by, with 74% coming from the US and the other 26% from all over the World during those 6 ½ years. The top 25 international countries and the top 25 US States are:
Hopefully this data shows you that in 2022 you were once again in good company as you read through our Hiking, Camping and Shooting gear write-ups and blog posts. We hope that they gave you some information that made all of your adventures a little more fun.
Wherever you’re from, we’re glad that you stopped by to look over our HCS website and look forward to seeing you again in 2023 as we grow even larger and add more gear write-ups, blog posts and adventure photos. Neck and Face Protection That You Need for Many Outdoor ActivitiesWe’ve all been there, out in the wind, the dust, the sun, the cold, the bugs and the glare off the water. And we all know that you really need to protect your face and your respiratory system from the elements. So we’ve always been big advocates of bandanas, shemaghs and reusable N95 masks to make sure that you can breathe in whatever conditions Nature throws at you. Over the past couple of years we’ve also become an advocate for neck gaiters – especially in windy conditions – and with the COVID-19 craziness the number of neck gaiters on the market has exploded. Their uses are pretty obvious and include:
Given the amount of new products on the market, in all sizes, colors, patterns and materials (e.g. polyester, spandex, microfiber, merino wool, fleece, synthetic, etc.,) we decided to replace all of our old neck gaiters with new ones before Winter arrived. You might think about doing the same since the new products have come a long way.
If you want more details about neck gaiters – here are a couple of great articles discussing their uses, versatility and evaluation considerations for different environments: The ultimate neck gaiter guide All the ways a neck gaiter is a multifunctional wonder Neck Gaiters: A Noteworthy Face Covering What a Spectacular Fall We’ve Had Here in New EnglandNormally all of the leaves have been knocked off the trees here in New England by this time of year by the rain. But not this year. This year the conditions were perfect for a long beautiful Fall – a relatively wet summer, giving way to a drier Fall with brisk temperatures but no heavy early snow.
Knowing that this beauty wasn’t going to last - we took every opportunity that we could to hike far and wide to see the beauty that Nature had to show. Here are a few photos of the amazing late Fall colors that we saw in New England this year. (click on any photo to start the slideshow): McDavid® Hex™ Knee Pads Participating in outdoor activities can take a toll on your hands and feet and the rest of your body – so you need to protect it as appropriate with the right gear like gloves, shoes and clothing. In some situations you need even more protection which might include eye protection or hearing protection. Over the years we’ve found that you also need to protect your knees since they do a lot of work for you while hiking and participating in many shooting activities. Luckily there are lots of knee pads on the market to help you solve this problem. When looking for the right knee pads to meet your needs you should consider the following three main areas:
Because we want to protect our knees with padding, but don’t spent a considerable amount of time running and then “hitting the dirt” or crawling around on the ground, we like the lower profile, lighter weight knee pads than the heavy duty “tactical” knee pads that are used by many outdoor enthusiasts; especially tactical shooters. Consequently we use McDavid® Hex™ knee pads which have individual hexagon shaped cells that conform to and move with your body to balance comfort and protection. Although these knee pads were primarily designed for playing basketball, football, volleyball and other court, field and impact sports, they work well for our shooting and hiking activities. Their compression sleeve holds the knee pad firmly in place – but they are still lightweight and breathable. Since we wear them under our pants when shooting, the fact that they don’t have a more durable “hard cap” isn’t an issue for us. If you want more details about the McDavid® Hex™ knee pads you can find it here: Walking in a Fall Fantasyland Our Columbus Day weekend had bright Fall weather, so we went for a drive and a hike in the local area to take some photos of all the beautiful colors. Then Wednesday, since it appeared that it might be the last good weather day before some rain arrived and the Fall leaves really started to drop off the trees, we got out and spent a few hours hiking to some of the more out of the way places near us.
As if the Fall leaf colors weren’t enough, we even saw a group of turkeys out for a stroll. It's always funny. We see the turkeys in October and early November - but the week before Thanksgiving they all seem to disappear; I think that they have that week marked on their calendar and go hide out. “Leaf Peepers” travel from all over the world to see New England’s amazing colors in the Fall - all we have to do is hike in our town and the surrounding areas....... Here are a few photos that attempt to capture the breathtaking beauty of nature. (click on any photo to start the slideshow): The Place to Go for Henry, Marlin, Winchester and Rossi High-performance Lever Action Parts If you’re looking to increase the performance and functionality of your Henry, Marlin, Winchester or Rossi lever action firearms - then the place to go is Ranger Point Precision (RPP). Located near Houston, Ranger Point Precision is a leading innovator and producer of performance lever-action rifle parts; a one stop shop for all things related to lever-action rifles. All of their parts are manufactured in-house and they are constantly designing new high performance parts for Henry Repeating Arms, Marlin Firearms, Winchester Repeating Arms, Rossi 92, Citadel Levtac and other lever-action rifles. All of their parts work with the newest rifles - as well as being backwards compatible with rifles built as early as 1950. What makes Ranger Point Precision really interesting is that instead of making stock replacement parts - they are very focused on making parts to upgrade your lever action guns – to include M-LOK tactical rails, skeletonized stocks, shotgun shell quivers, muzzle brakes, fiber optic sights, peep sights and lever loops. Here are some great examples of firearms that have been upgraded with Ranger Point Precision’s parts: So, if you want some great parts or accessories to upgrade your lever action firearms, you should check out the Ranger Point Precision online store at: But be warned – theses aren’t your Grandpa’s lever action guns………….. The Ultimate Pest-prevention Guide: How To Deter Insects From Overruling Your Person, Outdoor Gear, and Home Although the Summer months have just passed us by - here in New England that doesn’t mean that all the insects have disappeared yet. Far from it since October and early November are still prime time for mosquitoes and ticks in our neck of the woods. As always, there’s lots of information out there on the internet – as long as you have the time to search for it. Fortunately for us, last week Thomas from dropped us an email with a link to an article of theirs that they had recently updated for 2022: “The Ultimate Pest-prevention Guide: How To Deter Insects From Overruling Your Person, Outdoor Gear, and Home” Their article covers the following insects:
We really like that the article has three sections with detailed information about each of the pests listed above:
In addition to this great article on pests that traditionally plague hikers and campers, the website also has a ton of information on how to get rid of:
So if you’re looking to learn more about how to deal with a wide variety of insect and wildlife pests - you might want to check out “The Ultimate Pest-prevention Guide” and the “DIY Pest Control” page that has online. They are great sources of information – all in one spot.
Kalashnikov Tactical Training Last Saturday and Sunday we attended Kalashtober 2022 “the oldest, original and longest continuously run annual AK training, competition and community event in the country”, led by Ken Allen, the head of Ken Allen Training (, along with 30 other shooters, 10 vendors and lots of support staff. The fall New Hampshire weather was almost perfect – with just a little rain on Sunday. The event was a hands-on, live fire course for shooters that know a considerable amount about shooting and want to improve their tactical skills. Although Kalashtober is primarily an AK event, it was open to AK, AR, Galil, SCAR, KP9, and RPK participants. In fact I would estimate that 60% of the shooters had AKs and the other 40% had AR’s. The focus was really on the shooting techniques and not the specific firearms; which was a good thing since no two weapons on the range were the same due to their types and customizations (e.g. grips, optics, slings, Cerakote patterns, flashlights, magazines, etc.,) that everyone had made. The two-day event ran from 8:30 AM until after 9:00 PM each day – with time built in to talk to the vendors and visit with other participants in the community during the lunch breaks and even at dinner on Saturday night. Although I’m not solely an “AK-guy”, since I like to learn new shooting techniques, improve my skills and challenge myself - I try to take various classes throughout the year. This was a good one since it really focused on higher-level skills utilized in activities that require significant range setup and attention to range safety procedures. I primarily used my Kalashnikov KR-9S during the training – with my Norinco MAK-90 as a secondary weapon. The range training focused on moving, thinking and shooting from a wide variety of distances (from 5 yards to 50 yards), utilizing various shooting positions (prone, kneeling, sitting, standing), shooting different target types (paper silhouettes, steel plates, 3-D torsos, deer silhouettes) in a variety of real world situations to include:
Although the majority of the time was spent on shooting, on Sunday morning the participants were broken into three 10-person groups and each group spent an hour on the following:
The vendors that attended the event included:
Here are a few photos of what Kalashtober 2022 looked like on the range (click on any photo to start the slideshow): Here’s a short video showing what running the Kalashtober 2022 “Gauntlet” looked like: If you have a chance to take any of Ken’s courses at his home base in New Hampshire I would highly recommend that you sign up since his classes will definitely help you improve your shooting techniques and tactics.
You can find out more about Ken Allen Training, and the classes that they offer, on their website: Kalashnikov-USA AK Rubber Butt Pad As you can see on our Shooting/Carbines page one of the firearms that we have is the Kalashnikov KR-9S; a 9mm Carbine which is very accurate and fun to shoot. However, we’ve found that if we use it for the entire day at the range the skeletonized Vityaz-style triangle folding stock can get a little sharp - since it is a metal triangle poking your shoulder all day. Luckily we are evidently not the only ones that have noticed this - so Kalashnikov-USA has made a rubber butt pad that fits the KR-9S stock. Designed to reduce recoil from the firearm, the butt pad is a slip-on sleeve design that is easy to install, and its reinforced lip improves the pad’s hold on the buttstock of the KR-9. Made from durable black rubber, the pad has been designed to maintain the rifle’s position while you fire. This butt pad will also fit KP-9, KR-103, KR-104, and Kali-9 firearms with similar stocks. If you want more details about the KA KR-9 stock butt pad you can find it here: |
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